Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Today I worked on a new ring. It is going to be a three part ring. Each band will have it's own bezeled gem on it. I made the bezels and the bands today. All I have left to do is solder the bezels to the rings and set the gems in the bezels. I am also making a pair of pearl earrings. They are not conventional ones that are glued to a holder. They are cabochon pearls, meaning they look like a sphere cut in half. They are going to be set into bezels and then attached to posts. The bezels with their back plates have already been soldered together, so all I have left to do with those is to attach the posts and set the pearls in the bezels. OH and I also made bezels for a pair of tear drop green gems. These will have bezels around them but no back plate. I am going to hang them off of hoops, hopefully it works out how I imagine.

So... I got a ton done today because in addition to those I made a bracelet for my Aunt Biff. She asked me to make it for her this summer when I was at RISD, but I didn't have time. So, I made her the bracelet she wanted, but she has to wait to get it because I am going to use it in my photo shoot. This is the unfinished product. It needs some more filing and polishing.

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