Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Unfortunately, yesterday, I came down with the 24 hour flu so I didn't get to come into the shop. However, I made up for it today. Lara and I made a rustic hammered bracelet with bezeled garnets on it. In normal people terms, we made a hammered bracelet with ruby red stones on it. So, I learned how to make a bezel for a stone. Tomorrow I get to start on my own rings and earrings. I am sooo excited to start my own designs. The shop at Barry Peterson's is unbelievable. It has so many cool tools that buffer, grind, sand, bend, and heat. I have never seen so many different kinds of tools in my life. So, tomorrow I get to start my own creations using these amazing tools, and I get to take my jewelry making to a whole new level!

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